2nd Summer International Week 2024

On July 8-12, 2024, our Faculty hosted lecturers from partner universities in Australia (University of Newcastle), Barbados (The University of the West Indies), Jordan (Princess Sumaya University for Technology) and South Africa (University of Johannesburg) as part of the last International Week 2024 this academic year. It was also the second Summer International Week in 2024 !

As part of the week's program, our guests had the opportunity to learn more about the European Union's and Poland's programs on international academic cooperation, share their own experiences in this area, and present good practices regarding international cooperation and the offer of their home universities. Guests from the South African University of Johannesburg additionally met with Polish law students involved in the work of the Student Legal Advice Center.

In addition to the official program of the week, the guests paid a visit to the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration, Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Zalewski. The courtesy visit, planned for fifteen minutes, turned at the Dean's invitation into an over-an-hour discussion on the current and, as it turned out, universal aspects of legal education on a global scale and its prospects for the future.

The next International Week at our Faculty will take place in the winter semester!

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Submitted on Thursday, 1. August 2024 - 22:42 by Marcin Wiszowaty Changed on Thursday, 1. August 2024 - 22:49 by Marcin Wiszowaty